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Baby-Of-The-Week, Estelle Natalie Adelaide, SA

December 23rd, 2014 | Blog

Baby Estelle

Baby Estelle

Estelle Natalie entered the world at 8.30pm on December 28, 2010, three days after her due date on Christmas Day.

Mother Julie, then 24, endured a gruelling 38 hour labour to deliver her bundle of joy. “I needed an epidural at 30 hours. My obstetrician turned her [Estelle Natalie] from posterior to anterior on the first push. After that, I only needed to push for 23 minutes,” said Julie.

Estelle was a perfect baby gir who slept and fed well for the first six weeks of her life.

However she then began to lose a dramatic amount of weight and was very unsettled and was subsequently diagnosed with reflux.

Once Estelle was on the right medication and her sleeping routine was sorted, she returned to her happy, smiley state.

“Although it took a few months for Estelle to resettle after being diagnosed with reflux, from four- and-a-half months she began sleeping 12 hours a night without waking,” Julie said.

It took Estelle a while to find her feet, taking her first steps in March 2012, at 16 months of age.

For Julie, who was dying to become a mother, Estelle couldn’t have come along sooner.

“We were happily married and settled, so we agreed that it was time to brave kids!” said Julie.

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