... helping babies to sleep
and families to flourish

It’s here! Your Baby Manual

March 19th, 2016 | Blog Latest News

That’s right, The Babysleep Doctor’s new book, Your Baby Manual for Optimal Sleep, Feeding and Growth in Babies and Children, is available now. Download the Introduction Chapter for free.

From the renowned Babysleep Doctor (aka Dr Brian Symon, MD, FRACGP, MB BS, DipRANZCOG, BSc) comes his second book, Your Baby Manual … For Optimal Sleep, Feeding and Growth in Babies and Children. Your Baby Manual presents the Babysleep Strategy, an approach to sleeping and feeding for babies and children that helps parents optimise their child/ren’s health, behaviour and development, and truly enjoy parenting.

“… I have huge respect for his work and the advice which he gives parents. We share many philosophies of care and in particular see a deep connection between the success of the family unit and the happiness and contentedness of babies. “ Gina Ford, bestselling Author and former Maternity Nurse, United Kingdom

“[The Babysleep Doctor] told me at our first meeting (through my sobbing) that, “there is no greater gift for your family, than teaching your child to sleep”.  I hope that other parents keep this in mind when they read this wonderful book …” Lauren Kleinig, Midwife, Mother of Eva and Rose

“One consultation gave me back confidence and joy in parenting after a very difficult period. “ Tabitha Dellar-Walmsley, Social Worker, Mother of three.

“We followed [The Babysleep Doctor’s] advice, and with a bit of persistence, the results were remarkable. The technique worked for us and a bunch of our friends.” Mark Soderstrom, Media Personality, Father of Fletcher.

“My biggest regret of being a first time mum is that I did not seek his advice sooner. It would have saved my family a lot of unnecessary tears and it would have made my job a lot easier!” Sarah Solly, Insurance Consultant, Mother of Max

“The Babysleep Doctor is a genius.  Treasure this book and more importantly, treasure parenthood.“ Matt Arnold, Video Director, Father of Indy Lee

Who says babies don’t come with a manual?

baby reading

Your Baby Manual for Optimal Sleep, Feeding and Growth in Babies and Children is available now.

Parenting is an experience that can be joyous, rewarding and deeply fulfilling. Caring for a newborn or toddler can surpass any other experience in your life. It can be intense and raise powerful emotions that you will remember forever. But it can also be the most difficult time.

“Families often visit me in distress with tired, irritable children. My task is to give them strategies to resolve these problems, and to help parents to be as successful at parenting as possible. When your baby or child sleeps all night and wakes up happy and excited by your arrival, well, it’s just ……. magic.”

The Babysleep Doctor’s aim is to assist parents to begin their parenting journey feeling optimistic and knowing that they will be a great success and raise healthy, happy children and a flourishing family.

The Babysleep Strategy has been developed over almost 40 years and influenced by the author’s medical qualifications, his experience as a family physician and father of four, and the clinical results of his infant sleep practice (in which he has assisted more than 10,000 families) and his own internationally recognised scientific research into infant sleep.

Your Baby Manual is the evolution of Dr Symon’s first book, Silent Nights: Overcoming Sleep Problems in Babies and Children. It retains the body of knowledge that sets out practical ways to help the normal, healthy baby establish sleeping patterns that will improve his or her life and benefit the entire family, while accommodating contemporary parenting approaches and supporting parenting choices.

Your Baby Manual comprehensively covers the full spectrum of topics related to optimal health and development of babies and children. The advice contained within presents parents with options so that they can apply the approach that suits them the best, without compromising on outstanding results for sleeping and feeding. Your Baby Manual addresses issues around breastfeeding and mother’s nutrition, outlines what parents can expect in the first few months of their child’s life, sets out ideal daily routines, provides guidance on resolving sleep and behavioural problems (from children from newborn to about age 5), addresses issues relevant to modern families including shared care, provides a rapid diagnosis section for identifying problems by age, addresses different views on behaviour modification and attachment parenting methods, and more.

Your Baby Manual is available now.

Read the Introduction.

“I’ve learned that there are some things that you can safely assume about parents, and in particular, about mothers. A mother loves her child without hesitation; will do anything rational to see her baby grow, thrive and be safe. My experience has shown me that if a baby feeds well, sleeps well, grows appropriately and is loved, the baby will be happy. If the child is happy and thriving, then the mother will be content, confident and enjoy caring for her child or children.”

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