... helping babies to sleep
and families to flourish

Infant Sleep Trial

Infant Sleep Trial_final

The Babysleep Doctor, Dr Brian Symon is the co-researcher in a new study on infant sleep and nutrition with the aim of decreasing sleep problems in babies while supporting optimal growth. Experiencing difficulties with infant sleep is common. The study will explore strategies to improve infant sleep and nutrition with the aim of decreasing sleep problems in babies while supporting optimal growth. The study is being done in collaboration with the University of South Australia. The principal researcher is Dr Georgie Crichton, PhD, University of South Australia. Co-researchers are Dr Symon and Dr Harriett Hiscock, paediatrician at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Victoria.

Download an information sheet here.

Visit the Infant Sleep Trial’s facebook page at: www.facebook.com/infantsleeptrial.

Recruiting for participants now

Families are invited to join the study. Families who are in the last month of pregnancy or in the newborn period (infant age 2-4 weeks), or with infants 6-12 weeks, are invited to participate. You can sign up using the form below.

What will the study include?

The areas of infant and family well-being under study will include:

  • Infant health
    • sleep
    • crying
    • growth
  • Maternal well-being
    • depression, anxiety, stress
    • memory
  • Family well-being
    • relationship satisfaction.

How will it work?

Participants in both groups will complete questionnaires at regular intervals over a 12-month period, on the sleeping, crying and feeding behaviours of their infant, and on their own perceived well-being. Participants will be allocated to either a control or experimental group. Participants in the experimental group will attend the study centre on several occasions (or receive consultations via Skype or similar technology) and will be provided with advice on infant sleep and strategies to promote infant sleep and optimise infant nutrition.

Is it confidential?

Participation is voluntary and you may withdraw from the research at any time. All records containing personal information will remain confidential. A written summary of the research findings (overall results for both control and experimental groups) will be provided to all participants upon completion of the trial.

Has it got ethical approval?

This project has been approved by the University of South Australia’s Human Research Ethics Committee. If you have any ethical concerns about the project or questions about your rights as a participant, please contact the Executive Officer of this Committee: e: vicki.allen@unisa.edu.au

Who do I contact?

If you are interested in participating, or would like further information, please contact: Dr. Georgie Crichton, PhD, Research Fellow, University of South Australia e: georgina.crichton@unisa.edu.au  p: 0434 869 665 or complete the following form and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.

Sign up