... helping babies to sleep
and families to flourish

Case Studies

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My husband and I saw you on Monday with our daughter who had never slept through the night in her few 10 months on earth – until now. Monday night 12 hours sleep, last night 12 hours sleep – I can’t even put into words how appreciative we are of your help. Now I need to train myself to sleep through the night!”

Read this family’s full story <<link to case study>>

“Brenton & I are so pleased – no thrilled is the word – to let you know that our dear little Jasmyn slept through last night (Oh happy day, or should I say happy night !!). A step in the right direction don’t you think? We wanted to share our enthusiasm with you and to thank you, we wouldn’t have been able to do this without your help.”

Read this family’s full story <<link to case study>>

“I was given it by a friend after many a sleepless night and wanting to put my little fella on ebay!!! But all is good we have full night sleeps and he is so much happier – I’ve decided he can stay!!!”

Read this family’s full story <<link to case study>>